The Basement Seven

The Basement Seven is a live project incorporating a variety of talents featuring several humans.


In the subterranean dwelling of Bath's oldest 'Punk' household 7 Marlborough Street, an eclectic array of noise and creativity oozes...The Basement Seven gather intermittently to build tunes, soundscapes and audio oddities to dilute and distract us from the hideousness of life on this crazy spinning globe we call Earth...Music will save us.

The Band features:

 mike smith - Vocals, Programming, Synths and Pads (Muckspreader, Walrus, Ex-Mass
 jasper pattison - Bass, Poems and Vocals ( Culture Shock, Citizen Fish, Cooper S )
 johnny bainbridge - Guitar and Bass Station ( Gangwar, A-Heads, Seven Crowns ) 
 george smutpig - Guitar ( Amebix, Smart Pils, Zygote, 2000DS, Ex-Mass
 martin cook - Bass ( Big Chief Mkuja, Anon-Amos, Fungus, Cross The River
 silas berney - Drums ( Citizen Fish, Cooper S, Ex-Mass

salient fact

This free one track thirty-four minute mix of The Basement Seven contains remixes, demos and jams live from the practice room.


released March 25, 2020

Mixed and produced in the Basement by General E Smith.
Artwork by Ron Conductor

Angel Head EP

Listen to

Also watch a track from The Basement Seven's first gig at BOBFest 2019

Glam Walkin

A video based on an accidental recording I made when I popped my digital recording device in my top pocket before a 'trip' into town..features various music by The Basement Seven.


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